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Tags • Age

Modernizing Streaming Encryption with age in Apache NiFi

age Encryption NiFi Security

2023-12-04 • 12 minute read • David Handermann

Apache NiFi 2.0.0-M1 and 1.24.0 introduced new Processors supporting the age-encryption.org/v1 specification. Built on the Jagged framework implementation, the EncryptContentAge and DecryptContentAge Processors perform streaming cipher operations using the ChaCha20-Poly1305 algorithm. The age specification supports key agreement using the elliptic curve X25519 function, providing a modern solution for automated encryption and decryption with standard key pairs.

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Introducing Jagged for age Encryption in Java

age Cryptography Encryption Security

2023-08-29 • 16 minute read • David Handermann

Jagged is a set of Java libraries supporting the age encryption specification. Designed as a simple and modern file encryption standard, age builds on trusted cryptographic algorithms and provides a concise structure for formatting header and payload information. Jagged provides a modular implementation to enable application integration for automated or interactive use cases.

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