Tags • Programming
Between Now and Later: FIPS Compliance and Java Support for Ed25519
The National Institute of Standards and Technology published FIPS 186-5 as the Digital Signature Standard in February 2023. The standard included the Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm with Curve25519 as one of several supported options for cryptographic signing. As of February 2025, however, multiple Java Security Providers do not include Ed25519 among algorithms compliant with FIPS, requiring alternative algorithm configuration or runtime feature detection as implemented in Apache NiFi 2.2.0.
10 Structural Improvements in Apache NiFi 2
Apache NiFi 2.0.0 includes prominent new features such as Processors in native Python and a rebuilt user interface. The next major version also includes a number of notable albeit less visible improvements. These structural changes bring enhanced performance, maintainability, and security beyond earlier versions.
Introducing Apache NiFi Deprecation Logging
Apache NiFi 1.18.0 added deprecation logging to warn administrators about components and features targeted for removal in future major releases. Deprecation messages presents important software versioning information in a standard format, improving communication between project developers and community users. Reading and responding to deprecation warnings enables administrators to prepare for upgrades and avoid breaking changes.
How Not to Write Unit Tests
Writing unit tests is a common part of most software development projects. Following best practices for implementing tests is essential to maintaining robust and reliable applications. Reviewing optimal approaches to writing less than optimal tests can also inform development efforts.